Kasumba recently tweeted in response to Sheilah Gashumba who was clapping back at TV presenter Isaac Kawalya, alias Kayz, and noted that he grew up watching local TV shows like Life Mwattu and Kigenya Agenya.
Kasumba, commenting on Sheilah's post, said: "There was NEVER anything wrong with those plays Sheilah. The moment we rubbish local content when we work on local television we make a massive mistake. Art is not easy to produce. Have the fights you want but respect local productions made by some genuinely great artists here."
Kasumba's tweet seems not to have sat well with Gashumba, who came hard after him.
Appearing on Radio 4, he said: "If it was young kids, you would just ignore it, but if men in our age bracket get involved, it beats... my understanding, you understand! Because Samson Kasumba... if you love local talent, why are you faking accents of whites? Yes, it's not his.”
He continued: "He has successfully [sic] tried to be Bbale Francis, but he failed... Yes, he failed. [You want local concent], but you are faking English... Yes, you understand... Speak the kind of English [President Yoweri] Museveni speaks, don't we listen to him?... We get him properly."
He added: "There is something called middle age crisis and it's very bad. Kasumba you think you know a lot; Let Sheilah bring her bank statement and her land titles, and you also bring yours, simple... Yes, Sheilah Gashumba, at her age, let her show what she has earned, and he also parades his... I'm telling you, this is a weighing scale... Why is it that he is the only one among all NBS employees involved in this?... That she is trying to kill local content, how? Sheilah can not kill local content because she is employed by a local TV."
Gashumba appears to think Kasumba has a personal vendetta against his daughter.