Lutaaya, frustrated by Zari's frequent outbursts on social media and her casual disclosure of sensitive details about their marriage, suggested she should take a leaf out of Rema's book. Despite her past with Eddy Kenzo, Rema has never spoken ill of him or done anything that would make her current husband, Dr. Hamza Ssebunya, look bad.
Over the weekend, during a music show in Kigali, Rema was asked about Kenzo and responded simply, "No comment."
The tension between Shakib and Zari has been heightened recently, especially after Zari hosted Diamond Platnumz in South Africa for their daughter’s birthday. Shakib expressed his displeasure with how the event played out on social media, suggesting that Zari’s actions were inappropriate for a married woman and disrespectful to him.
Shakib, also known as Cham, voiced his disappointment in a phone call with a media personality, highlighting that Zari could learn from Rema’s approach. He noted that despite having a child with the famous Eddy Kenzo, Rema has never publicly embarrassed her current partner, Dr. Sebunya. Since beginning her relationship with Dr. Sebunya, Rema has avoided public interactions with Kenzo and skillfully navigates interview questions about him.
See: She's too mean - Shakib reveals total cash Zari has ever given him
Shakib expressed his frustration, stating that Zari’s actions have repeatedly shown a lack of respect for him.
He added that what pains him most is the ridicule he faces online, where he is often portrayed as financially dependent on Zari and called derogatory names.