Contrary to common knowledge that she is a holder of a Social Sciences degree from Makerere University, the 36-year-old revealed that she actually never graduated from the prestigious university.
Despite studying all three years for the degree, Kansiime says she ended up missing out on the graduation because of retakes.
“I studied for three years, and when it was time for graduation, it turned out that I had 2 course units that I needed to retake,” she revealed in an interview.
“I was like, you must be joking. The way I held my breath to finish my education?... So, I said to myself, I have studied for three years and I know everything that I have learnt, and it has been exceptionally hard to even get time to be in class.”
Kansiime says she decided to lie to her family and convince them not to come to the graduation.
“I just went and bought the graduation gown and I called my parents and told them that they didn't need to come for the graduation because it would be a waste of money. My dad was an accountant and anything to do with saving money was a good idea to him.”
At the time, the comic was already making money and sending some back home, which made her parents less anxious bout her studies.
“So I just took pictures and sent them home and I think up to now they never found out that I did not graduate.”
Right now, at the top of her career, Kansiime says she’s not fussing but her lack of university papers.
“What matters is that I went to Makerere…my classmates can attest to that… and besides, I'm not planning on running for political office. If I ever come looking for votes don't vote for me,” she said.