Brian Seibert
Articles written by the author
Two Vogue Shows Strike Art-World Poses
'For Colored Girls' Is a Choreopoem. What's a Choreopoem?
Kyle Abraham Wants You to See Another Side of Misty Copeland
A Tap Dancer's Place: After the Horn Players, Before the Drummer
What's Chinese About Chinese Ballet?
Review: Big Names (Royal Ballet!), Small Pieces at the Joyce
'Maze' Review: Virtuoso Street Dance Sends Blurry Message
'Maze' Review: Virtuoso Street Dance Sends Blurry Message
Fire Island Dance Festival: A Full-Circle Community Experience
Review: Ronald K. Brown follows 'Grace' with a dark plea for 'Mercy'
Savion Glover, listening to the sound of his own searching
Asking artists, what do you need?
Inspiration and education open Ailey season
Amar Ramasar returns to Bravos but also to questions
A new leader, at last, to bring Cuban Ballet into the future
Review: Australian ballet returns with homegrown talent, humdrum program
Two and a Half Cheers for Pam Tanowitz!
Ballet's biggest matchmakers in motion
After 50 years, Dance Theater of Harlem looks back and up
Creating for Martha Graham's Company, Competing With the Great Mother