Kendra Pierre-Louis
Articles written by the author
Invasive Grasses May Worsen Wildfires, Study Suggests
The Return of the 'Blob': Hawaii's Reefs Threatened by Marine Heat Wave
Heat Waves in the Age of Climate Change: Longer, More Frequent and More Dangerous
Heat Waves in the Age of Climate Change: Longer, More Frequent and More Dangerous
Storm, brimming with rain, barrels toward waterlogged Louisiana
Want to escape global warming? These cities promise cool relief
Want to Escape Global Warming? These Cities Promise Cool Relief
Want to Escape Global Warming? These Cities Promise Cool Relief
'Dr. Seuss' Garden' Yields a Deep-Sea Discovery, but It Already Faces Threats
Source of the Problem, Also Part of the Solution
The World Is Losing Fish to Eat as Oceans Warm, Study Finds
Extreme weather can feel 'normal' after just a few years, study finds
Scientists single out a suspect in starfish carnage: Warming oceans
If the earth is warming, why is it so cold outside?
If the Earth Is Warming, Why Is It So Cold Outside?
As Climate Warms, Plants Will Absorb Less CO2, Study Finds
Brace for the polar vortex: it may be visiting more often
Oceans temperatures rising faster, as are fears
Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds
Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds