2 working parents from Michigan reveal the family schedule that allows them to work at least 4 to 6 hours a day from home during the coronavirus pandemic

Andy Hill

  • Two parents from Michigan share how they're successfully managing parenting and working from home during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • According to Andy Hill, a healthy and relaxed routine helps keep his kids positive and their days structured.
  • Andy is an entrepreneur who runs a blog and a podcast, his wife Nicole is an administrative assistant, and they have two children, 5 and 8 years old.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Andy and Nicole Hill live in Michigan with their two children, who are five and eight years old.

The family lives in a 2,600-square-foot home in the Detroit metro area and has been, like many other families, hunkering down in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Both Andy and Nicole are working parents who are fortunate enough to be able to work from home during the outbreak. Andy is an entrepreneur who runs a blog and podcast called Marriage, Kids and Money , and Nicole is an administrative assistant.


In order to make sure they get at least four to six hours of work done a day, Andy told Business Insider that they stick to a family schedule that helps them stay on top of their work while keeping their kids in a steady routine.

Andy told Business Insider that he and Nicole take turns watching the kids so that the other can work or take a break .

"First and foremost, we want to make sure that our kids are safe and healthy," he said. "So we're trying to focus on a routine that promotes that."

Andy told Business Insider that they let their kids get plenty of sleep instead of having them wake up early like they would on a typical school day. Making sure their kids are well rested and healthy during this time is their main priority.

In the morning, Andy and Nicole meet to go over the important things they need to get done for that day. By talking out their days together beforehand, they are able to find ways to support each other.


"Some of those important things can be like, 'Hey Andy, I need to go for a run,' and that's cool. I'll watch the kids and make sure they're doing their assigned work," he explained.

They also make sure to fit family activities into their routine. Andy explained that scheduling time for family activities and making time to go outside and get fresh air is a great way to keep spirits up. For example, every Friday night is movie night at the Hills' house.

While Andy stressed how important this schedule has been for his family during the pandemic, he acknowledged that there are days when things don't go as planned.

"There are also days when the whole schedule just flies out the window, and that's okay" he said, laughing. "We want to give ourselves some grace because this is difficult, this is crisis mode, and we're trying to figure it out."

Andy said his kids are starting to get used to the routine, and it's helping them realize that this is something the family can get through together.


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