A look at the demanding schedule of Elon Musk, who plans his day in 5-minute slots, constantly multitasks, and avoids phone calls

REUTERS/Steve Nesius

Musk kicks off his day bright and early, rising at about 7 a.m. In a Reddit AMA, he said he usually gets almost exactly 6 hours on average.
  • Elon Musk is so busy running both Tesla and SpaceX that he schedules his day out into five-minute slots.
  • Musk finds time to sleep six hours a night, despite working between 85 to 100 hours each week.
  • The billionaire finds time to spend with his five children during the workweek, but said in 2013 that he still checks his email when he is with them.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Elon Musk is one busy guy.

The billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX generally spends a full workweek at each of his two companies, wolfing down lunch in five minutes and skipping phone calls for productivity's sake.

So it's not surprising that his daily life is pretty jam-packed.


Based on previous interviews, Business Insider pieced together an estimation of what an average day looks like for Musk.

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