Boeing is donating 3 massive oversized cargo planes to distribute coronavirus-related supplies. Take a look at the 'Dreamlifter'.

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President Trump announced that Boeing would be donating three of its Dreamlifter aircraft in a Friday afternoon press conference, proudly holding up a picture of the oversized bird in his daily briefing with the White House coronavirus task force.
  • President Donald Trump announced that Boeing will be donating the use of its 747-400LCF Dreamlifter to aid in COVID-19 supply distribution.
  • The Dreamlifter is one of the largest cargo planes flying thanks to its oversized fuselage, initially built to aid 787 Dreamliner production and part transport.
  • Four of the modified Boeing 747-400 freighters are currently flying with three to be temporarily assigned for the government's use, Trump announced.
  • Boeing is one of the likely recipients of a $17 billion loan provision from the federal government due to its national defense role.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

A massive Boeing cargo plane will soon be helping to distribute supplies and materials in the fight against COVID-19, the White House announced on Friday.

President Donald Trump said during a coronavirus task force briefing that Boeing has offered the use of 3 of its 747-400LCF Dreamlifter aircraft boasting an oversized cargo hold ideal for transporting excess quantities of freight.

One of the largest cargo aircraft in the world, the Boeing 747-400LCF or Large Cargo Freighter, will depart from its current mandate of transporting parts between global production facilities as part of the 787 Dreamliner and now aid in distribution efforts to supply the frontlines with face masks, ventilators, and other necessities to fight COVID-19.


Boeing's Dreamlifter was originally intended to transport parts such as wings and fuselages for the 787 Dreamliner, the first twin-engine wide-body produced by Boeing that revolutionized air travel when it debuted . The aerospace manufacturer is also an intended recipient of a $17 billion bailout loan from the federal government, the Washington Post reported.

Take a look at Boeing's latest weapon in the fight against COVID-19.

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