Coronavirus: 5 key reasons why Ghanaians must stay home, according to President Akufo-Addo

President Akufo-Addo has emphasised the need for Ghanaians to stay home and observe the ongoing lockdown in the country.

Coronavirus: 5 key reasons why Ghanaians must stay home, according to President Akufo-Addo

According to him, although the restrictions have changed the way of life of people in the affected areas, particularly those in Accra, Tema, Kasoa and Kumasi, it is important residents in the listed areas to adapt to the situation.


The President was updating Ghanaians on the country's efforts in tackling the novel coronavirus in a televised address Sunday evening [April 5, 2020].

He said people who flouted the directives will be dealt with per the laws of the country.

“In the very few instances where members of our security agencies have employed the use of excessive force against the citizenry, in enforcing the restrictions on movement, the Inspector General of Police and the Chief of Defence Staff of the Armed Forces have taken steps to investigate such incidents, and, they have given me the assurance that those found culpable, will be duly sanctioned. Thus far, the alleged wrongdoers have been withdrawn from the ongoing exercise.”


Adding that “To enhance command and control, more senior officers have been deployed at the operational level, and each member of our security services participating in the exercise has been handed an aide-mémoire highlighting, essentially, the guidelines for the operation.”

President Akufo-Addo, hence, pleaded Ghanaians to follow the directives, noting that, “Fellow Ghanaians, as I have said before, all that Government is doing is intended to achieve five key objectives.”

Here are the objectives according to President Akufo-Addo

  1. Limit and stop the importation of the virus.
  2. Contain the spread of the virus.
  3. Provide adequate care for the sick.
  4. Limit the impact of the virus on social and economic life.
  5. Inspire the expansion of our domestic capability and deepen our self-reliance.

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