Coronavirus: How travellers in mandatory quarantine make up more than half of Ghana’s cases

The Ghana Health Service report has shown that persons who were quarantined after arrival in Ghana from abroad, account for more than half of the country’s confirmed coronavirus cases.

Coronavirus: How travellers in mandatory quarantine make up more than half of Ghana’s cases

According to the service, 78 of the 132 confirmed cases are Ghanaians, who returned home from affected countries.


The GHS said this in a publication made on its website on Thursday, March 26, 2020.

The report further said seven of these persons are of other nationalities – Norway, Lebanon, China, Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK).


Update: Coronavirus cases in Ghana increase to 132

Ghana has recorded 64 more cases of the novel coronavirus as of Thursday, March 26, 2020.

This brings the number of infected people in Ghana to 132

Ghana has also recorded 3 deaths from the Coronavirus. The Service said all three cases were “aged and had underlying chronic medical conditions.”

Ghana's refusal to evacuate students in Wuhan justified


Ghana’s Minister of Information, Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah before the country recorded it first two cases said that the decision not to evacuate Ghanaian citizens from Wuhan in China, the epicentre of the Coronavirus disease [COVID-19] was beneficial to the country.

According to him, compared to countries that evacuated their citizens when the disease first broke out, Ghana had as at the time not recorded any case of the disease.


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