I cleared customs in 20 minutes after traveling internationally for a month and a half, and it made me deeply worried about America's ability to contain the coronavirus

Kate Taylor/Business Insider

Orlando Melbourne International was packed when I arrived to check into my Qantas flight, which would take me to LAX.
  • I reentered the US on Sunday, after traveling internationally in countries including South Korea, Thailand, and Australia for a month and a half.
  • I got through US immigration and customs in 20 minutes, without any significant screening or information offered about the coronavirus outbreak.
  • The lack of clear actions taken to educate travelers and prevent the spread of coronavirus in the US, especially compared to airports in places like Singapore, Australia, and Malaysia, made me uneasy.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Traveling internationally over the last month and a half has given me plenty of exposure to how airlines and airports are attempting to prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

So, when I headed back to the US soon after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus an international pandemic, I expected to see a massive shift in how American airports were approaching travel.

Instead, when I landed at Los Angeles International Airport, I was shocked by how little had changed and how few obvious preventative measures were in place.


Internationally, I had already seen a massive shift in how people were traveling due to the coronavirus. Airports in South Korea, Malaysia, and Australia were covered in signs about the symptoms of COVID-19, and what to do to prevent its spread. Temperature checks and thermal monitors were not uncommon sights. And, while experts say masks do not necessarily stop you from catching the coronavirus, nearly every employee I saw as I flew Korean Air, VietJet, and Malaysia Air wore a surgical mask.

Yet, in the US, my reentry into the country felt routine, with few new screenings or information about the coronavirus.

Here is what it was like returning to the US as the country attempts to contain the pandemic and why the process made me uneasy about America's plan to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

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