Melinda Gates is taking walks, Warren Buffett is drinking more Coke, and Elon Musk is still going to work. Here's how the world's richest people are preparing for the coronavirus outbreak.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is still going to the office — but told his employees that they don't have to.

The ultrawealthy may have better access to testing for the novel coronavirus than ordinary Americans , but how they're passing the time as authorities urge people to social distance doesn't look all that different.

Authorities are asking Americans to stay in their homes as a respiratory illness caused by the virus has killed over 15,000 across the globe, including 479 in the United States. More than 360,000 people have been diagnosed with a respiratory illness caused by the virus , which is believed to have jumped from animals to people in a wet market in Wuhan, China.

Keep reading to see how some of the wealthiest people in the world are handling the coronavirus outbreak.


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