Miss the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds flyby? Check out the footage people captured of the jets roaring over New York City to honor essential workers.

US Air Force photo/Bill Evans

  • 12 fighter jets from the US Navy Blue Angels and US Air Force Thunderbirds flew over New York City, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania on Tuesday.
  • The planes flew a 35-minute path across the Northeastern states as a part of "Operation America Strong" to honor essential workers.
  • Here are some videos of the planes flying overhead New York City if you missed the spectacle.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

If you live on the East Coast and heard the roar of a jet engine above your house or apartment Tuesday afternoon, there's a decent chance it was the US Navy Blue Angels and US Air Force Thunderbirds.

The two demonstration squadrons flew over of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania during a 35-minute flight to honor essential workers and the medical workers fighting on the front lines against COVID-19.

The flight, which President Trump announced would be called "Operation America Strong," was the idea of a senior military officer in the Pentagon, according to the Washington Post .


"This is a tribute to them, to our warriors because they're equal warriors to those incredible pilots and all of the fighters that we have for the more traditional fights that we win," Trump said.

The symbolic gesture was meant as a nonpartisan statement, according to The Washington Post.

However, the expense to fly the planes could draw scrutiny as they cost a minimum of $60,000 per hour, according to The Washington Post. But the paper reported the expense was drawn from money already in the Pentagon's budget.

Observers were encouraged to maintain social distancing and health guidelines as the six F-16 Fighting Falcons from Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and six F/A-18 Hornets from Pensacola, Florida, screamed across the skies.

More flights are planned over the next few weeks, according to the Post.


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