Nearly half of insured Americans think they can't afford coronavirus treatment. With costs exceeding $3,000, they may not be wrong.

Reza Estakhrian/Getty Images


The coronavirus pandemic has become a global crisis, and it soon may become a financial one for Americans.

Nearly half of insured American adults say they're not confident they could handle costs associated with coronavirus treatment, according to a recent and YouGov poll . The survey polled nearly 2,500 Americans ages 18 and over.

Of those who think they can't afford to be sick, 23% aren't very confident they could deal with coronavirus treatment and screening costs without going into debt. And 25% of respondents aren't at all confident.


The lack of confidence in affording coronavirus costs is more prominent among younger Americans. Of those ages 18 to 34, 35% aren't confident they could deal with costs compared to 24% of those ages 55 and older, according to additional poll data provided to Business Insider.

That might explain why respondents between age 18 and 34 are five times more likely than those who are 55 and older (24% vs. 4%) to borrow money from family members to afford coronavirus costs, according to the poll. They're also more likely to put costs on their credit card, but only by 2 percentage points more.

This difference is likely because Americans typically get health insurance coverage through their employer. Those without employment-offered insurance are often younger adults in their 20s, John Graves , PhD and associate professor at Vanderbilt School of Medicine, previously told Business Insider . Younger generations also haven't had as much time to build wealth as older generations.

But overall, 29% of respondents said they don't know how they would handle the bills if they got the virus. These findings all put America's healthcare system in the spotlight.


Not a lot is known about coronavirus costs in the US, but the information that is available points to steep prices.

How much coronavirus treatment will cost depends on your insurance plan if you have one and the procedures that are run to diagnose you. While the CDC (which is the only facility equipped to test for COVID-19 or designate other laboratories to do so) isn't billing for lab testing, that doesn't get you off the hook for the cost of a hospital stay and additional tests to rule out other illnesses.

Miami resident Osmel Martinez Azcue was charged $3,270 for coronavirus treatment-related costs, including an ER visit and flu testing. Azcue, who ultimately didn't have coronavirus, has to pay $1,400 out-of-pocket with his co-pay applied.

Similarly, Frank Wucinski, who doesn't have insurance, was billed $3,918 for a government-mandated quarantine and coronavirus testing for him and his daughter (they both tested negative), reported Sarah Kliff for The New York Times . However, a hospital spokesperson said that Wucinski's bill was sent in error and he would not have to pay.

And estimates provided to Business Insider by FAIR Health indicate that possible procedures related to coronavirus treatments could range from $441 to $1,151 for an out-of-network ER visit.


It's all a huge problem for the 27 million Americans who don't have insurance 28% had trouble paying medical bills in the past year, per a CDC report . But as the and YouGov poll shows, even insured Americans are worried. Insured Americans might face two challenges, according to Graves : surprise billing or being sent to an out-of-network facility if their in-network facility has reached capacity. Here, a bill could still exceed $10,000, he said.

See Also:


SEE ALSO: The US' broken healthcare system is why the coronavirus is set to explode in America

DON'T MISS: Coronavirus testing is free, but the hospital trip may set you back thousands. One graphic breaks down potential costs.


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