Shifting Gears: Elon Musk's very strange week, Lyft layoffs, and why some trucking companies actually hate cheap diesel prices (AMZN, TSLA, LYFT, UBER)

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

You probably saw headlines about Elon Musk's earnings call tirade against the coronavirus shutdowns this week.


The meltdown was both unprecedented and entirely expected from the sometimes-erratic billionaire.

For context, the words fascist or fascism came up just five times in earnings calls going back to 2005, according to a search of Sentieo's database, yet those who have been dialing into Tesla earnings calls know there's often something that will stand out (like the "boneheaded questions" outburst ).

Not to slip quietly into the news cycle, Musk doubled down on his calls to "give people their freedom back" soon after the call. And on Friday, he amplified claims by conservative provocateur James O'Keefe's that coronavirus deaths were being overestimated.


Tesla shares, meanwhile, have already given up their gains following the earnings beat. And Musk's workers? They're scared by his comments.

Lyft , and furloughed hundreds of others as stay-at-home orders gut demand for taxi rides. Uber, meanwhile, was reported to be considering cuts of an even greater magnitude , but hasn't confirmed anything yet.

If you know anything, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Cheap gas prices aren't always as beneficial as they seem . Rachel Premack reports that a pricing quirk lets one sector of the trucking industry, known as less-than-truckload carriers, actually benefit from higher fuel prices. Here's why.


Airline pain continues. More carriers reported just how badly the pandemic affected their business in the first quarter, and voiced concern that demand could take years to rebound.

Airline analysts and executives predict it will take up to five years for the industry to recover, and airlines as big as American may not survive. David Slotnick has their bleak forecasts here.

Trump's fight with Amazon has the Postal Service front-and-center . As Trump continues to blame Amazon for the USPS' financial situation, he challenged the company to " build their own post office " if it doesn't want to pay higher rates.

Front-line employees are less worried about the agency's balance sheet. They just want adequate supplies as thousands of their coworkers get sick, Alanis King reports .

Finally, some weekend reading:


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