Shifting Gears: It's bikes' time to shine

REUTERS/Bryan R Smith

Hello and Happy Friday.


It's me again, with your weekly roundup of transportation news from the week.

Planes still aren't flying (for the most part), cruises aren't cruising, and most of the transportation world remains in a holding pattern.


Scared off public transportation by the coronavirus , some Americans especially those lucky enough to live in areas where it's safe to have turned to the humble bicycle. They've been helped in some cases by cities with the gravitas to ban cars from streets to make more space.

Kent, a major manufacturer, said sales of its cheaper models have surged over the past month. Across the board, the company said sales at most of the major retailers he supplies were up 30% last month and are up over 50% so far in April.

As the weather gets warmer, I know I'll be biking. It's cheap, it's easy, it's fast, and it's free exercise. If you want to try out your chops for the first time in a while (no judgment), Vice has some great re-entry tips.


Trucking sits in a weird spot, as we discussed two weeks (a year? who knows anymore) ago.

President Donald Trump gave a golden key to four truck drivers at the White House on Thursday, though it remains unclear exactly why and what the keys are for. Making matters stranger is the fact that the $800 billion industry g ot no financial assistance as part of the CARES Act in March. Rachel Premack has the full rundown of the event here.

Lastly, some weekend reads:


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