Shifting Gears: Peeking behind the curtain at Uber and SpaceX

Joe Skipper/Reuters

The 737 Max's long-awaited return is delayed

This week brought new details about the inner workings of two high-profile tech companies: Uber and SpaceX.


The former saw the release of a book by a former employee, Susan Fowler, whose 2017 blog post about workplace harassment brought attention to Uber's aggressive, hypermasculine culture. Fowler's post sparked a period of introspection at the ride-hailing company that led CEO Dara Khosrowshahi to make repairing its troubled culture one of his top priorities.

A new story from senior correspondent Dave Mosher shed light on a brewing conflict between SpaceX and some residents of a small South Texas community. SpaceX wants to buy all of the residents' homes as it works on a rocket that could one day take people to Mars, but some don't want to sell.

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