The 10 countries where the most jobs depend on travel and tourism

Youssef Boudlal/Reuters

10. Nigeria
  • International tourism is taking a major hit amid rising concerns about the novel coronavirus, but the industry doesn't affect every country's economy in the same way.
  • According to a report from visa assistance firm , India creates 172 jobs for every 100 tourists, while Libya creates 68.
  • While tourism can be an effective way for developing nations to spur economic growth, the industry can lead to environmental damage and crowd out sectors that could offer more sustainable employment, Foreign Policy reported.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Airlines are grounding flights , hundreds of hotels are temporarily closing their doors, and countries across the globe are instituting travel bans as the novel coronavirus spreads.

For countries that rely on international visitors to create jobs, the virus could be just as bad for the economy as it is for public health. While 100 tourists scarcely change the South Korean job market ( 2 jobs ), that same number of visitors creates 944 jobs in Bangladesh, according to data from Knoema and The World Bank analyzed by visa assistance firm .

While tourism can be an effective way to spur economic growth in developing nations, especially on islands with few natural resources, the industry can lead to environmental damage and crowd out sectors with longer-term prospects, Foreign Policy's Geert Vansintjan reported.


The virus, which has been traced to a market in Wuhan, China, has infected 89,000 people and killed more than 3,000 people around the world. Many cases have been linked to China, but people have fallen ill on every continent except Antarctica.

Here, ranked in ascending order, is a look at the ten countries that create the most jobs per 100 visitors, according to data from Knoema and The World Bank analyzed by . Data for each country is from the most recent year available. Tourism as a percentage of each country's GDP reflects 2018 statistics, the most recent for which data is available from Knoema .

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