The coronavirus is officially a pandemic. Internal memos from 2 major brokerages reveal how NYC real estate agents are bracing for impact.

David Dee Delgado / Stringer/Getty Images


The World Health Organization has officially declared the coronavirus a pandemic .

The virus is spreading through New York City, with new diagnoses by the hour, and real-estate brokerages are prepping their agents and bracing for its inevitable impact on business.

Internal memos seen by Business Insider from two major New York brokerages, Compass and Warburg Realty , described the precautions they are taking, along with detailed tips for their agents. They laid out new guidelines for observing cleanliness, traveling for work, and working from home. One of the brokerages said the outbreak has not affected open houses or showings. Both said they would provide additional guidance as needed as the outbreak develops.


Here's what the memos advised for real-estate agents navigating the outbreak.

Warburg advised agents to avoid shaking hands.

"Try to limit the use of hands (or try and use gloves) when entering or exiting apartments or buildings, riding buses or subways or in taxis," Warburg's March 3 memo said.


Warburg also said agents should be cleaning their desks, phones, and laptops regularly.

"Clean common surfaces like doorknobs, counters and bathroom fixtures, phones, keyboards, tablets at least once a day," Warburg's memo said. "Studies suggest that coronaviruses can live on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days."

While no travel restrictions are in place within the US, Compass asked its agents to halt nonessential professional plane travel in March.

"For example, if you were planning to fly to a work conference this month, please cancel your participation," Compass' memo, dated March 2, said.


Warburg advised agents to stay at home if someone in their household is sick. It also said it would continue to support staff in the event of a quarantine, adding that it can access its systems remotely. It did not elaborate, except to say it would issue additional information if necessary.

Compass also asked agents to "prepare for the off chance of a life interruption."

"Public health officials recommend buying a month's supply of any daily medicine or prescriptions, non-perishable food and toiletries / cleaning supplies," Compass' memo said.

Warburg's memo gave a detailed layout of how agents should prepare for open houses and showings.


"When scheduling appointments, please confirm that no one in the apartment has been or is ill and that the parties involved (customers, brokers, etc.) are not ill," Warburg's memo said.

Warburg said it has not yet seen an impact on open houses or showings but that could change when and if the virus continues to spread.

"When conducting an open house, come with supplies Purell, paper towels or tissues, etc. and be sure you have the name of all attendees (brokers, buyers)." the memo said. "If someone does attend the open house who appears to have a cold, don't be bashful politely ask them to leave."

Warburg and Compass confirmed the memos' accuracy and declined to comment further when reached by Business Insider.


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