WATCH: A video of Monaco's yacht-filled harbor at 8 p.m. shows residents thanking their first responders as only a country full of millionaires could

Fraser Yachts


As the coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of people around the world to stay in their homes, cities have been showing their appreciation for healthcare workers and first responders by cheering, clapping, and singing from rooftops , balconies, and windows at a designated time each evening.


Monaco, a wealthy city-state on the French Riviera, has its own unique way of thanking essential workers. A major yachting destination, Monaco plays host each year to the prestigious Monaco Yacht Show and has a port that's virtually always packed with boats.

Its affluent residents are currently forbidden from taking their superyachts for out a cruise , but many captains and crew remain on board the yachts to keep them in good shape, according to Raphael Sauleau, the CEO of Fraser Yachts , a yacht brokerage with offices in Monaco.

Every night at 8 p.m., the yachts sound their horns to thank the frontline and essential workers, Sauleau told Business Insider.

You can witness the phenomenon for yourself in a video recently sent to Business Insider:

Melanie Meder, a resident of Slovak-German origin who's lived in the city-state for more than six years, said that the horns can be heard throughout Monaco, which is smaller than New York City's Central Park.


"Monaco is small, and the harbor is quite fully parked," Meder told Business Insider. "Once they start, you hear it everywhere."

Monaco, wherean estimated one-third of its 38,000 residents are millionaires, is under a lockdown that's currently set to end on May 3 . Until then, residents are only allowed to leave their homes for essential activities including essential work, visits to grocery stores and pharmacies, travel for critical family reasons, and brief outings for individual physical exercise and taking care of pets. The principality has 94 confirmed cases of the virus.

See Also:


SEE ALSO: Monaco the famous yachting destination on the French Riviera has banned its millionaire residents from taking out their superyachts under coronavirus lockdown

DON'T MISS: 15 astounding facts about Monaco, the tiny French Riviera city-state where 32% of the population is made up of millionaires


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