The Las Vegas Raiders reportedly want to sign Tom Brady and are preparing to recruit the Patriots legend

The Las Vegas Raiders reportedly want to sign Tom Brady should the longtime New England Patriots quarterback choose to leave his team.

Tom Brady Jon Gruden 2x1
  • Brady would be a marquee signing for the franchise, as the team is looking to make a splash in their debut season in Las Vegas.
  • Brady is a free agent for the first time in his career, but the Patriots' front office is reportedly ready to make him a huge offer to stay in New England.
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After 20 seasons in New England, Tom Brady is a free agent for the first time in his career.

According to ESPN's Adam Schefter , the Las Vegas Raiders are preparing to make Brady an offer should he decide to test the free-agency waters.

"Brady would provide the Raiders instant credibility in their new city," Schefter wrote. "Not to mention an enormous marketing advantage that could be presented on billboards across Nevada."


Schefter also noted that Raiders head coach Jon Gruden has a good relationship with Brady, is a "highly effective recruiter," and wants the legend to be his quarterback.

But despite the Raiders' interest, the Patriots aren't going to let Brady walk away easily. According to Ian Rapaport of NFL Network , New England is willing to pay Brady as much as $30 million a year to keep their franchise quarterback a Patriot for life. Should the deal come to fruition, it would be a significant increase in pay for Brady, who has often taken less than market value to give the Patriots more cap space to field top players at other positions.

The Patriots offer might be enough to keep him in New England through the final years of his career, but if Brady is looking for a new adventure in 2020, he won't be short on offers.

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