6 months into the coronavirus pandemic, 9 maps and charts show how it took over the world

Six months ago, Chinese officials in Wuhan reported the coronavirus outbreak to the World Health Organization.

  • In just half a year, the COVID-19 virus has traveled across the globe, spread under the radar, and revealed the flaws of delayed responses.
  • These nine maps and charts show how the pandemic has evolved so far and what to expect next.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

It's been six months since China first told the World Health Organization about a new outbreak of mysterious, severe pneumonia cases.

Since that report set off alarm bells on December 31, the coronavirus has spread across the globe, forced a third of the world's population to shelter at home, and killed more than 512,000 people.

After half a year of dealing with the virus, the numbers offer a clearer picture of how it spread and how the world responded to it.


Here's what the data reveals about the pandemic so far.

The WHO declared the outbreak a pandemic on March 11. The virus had spread to nearly every country in the world by March 25. The pandemic has since become the biggest in a century.


Ruobing Su/Business Insider


Limited testing means that many countries identify most of their severe and deadly cases, but few of their mild cases. That means that the case fatality rate a calculation of the number of known deaths out of the total number of confirmed cases is artificially high .

Because coronavirus cases progress over a period of weeks, and because the numbers are constantly changing, the case fatality rate is always in flux.

Experts think the true death rate is closer to 1% which is still 10 times higher than that of seasonal flu.


The coronavirus probably reached the US long before anyone detected it, and it began spreading before the country had the testing to monitor it. By March 26, the US had reported a larger outbreak than China. The country has recorded more than 2.6 million cases and 127,000 deaths.

As the nation sheltered in place, New York state alone had more coronavirus cases than any country outside the US. Now after weeks of lockdown and more than 32,000 deaths the state is detecting fewer and fewer cases each day.


Several weeks can pass between when somebody comes into contact with the virus and when they start to show symptoms or seek a test. From there, processing a test can take up to a week. So it took awhile to see the new cases brought about by lifting lockdowns.

In the last week, the US's daily case counts have been higher than ever .

"This is a continuation of the first wave," Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, told Business Insider . "Some places that might have been relatively spared early on in the winter and the spring are now facing cases higher than they had before."


Andy Kiersz/Business Insider

As they roll back or delay their reopenings , several governors have said that the rising case counts can't be due to better testing alone. If that were the case, the portion of tests coming back positive would remain about the same.

Instead, in many states and cities with growing outbreaks, 20% or more of COVID-19 tests are returning positive results. Nationwide, the rate of positive tests has increased daily since June 16, according to data from Johns Hopkins University .


Experts have criticized the US response for reopening too soon , as well as failing to establish the basic testing and contact tracing infrastructure that could help control the country's outbreak.

Brazil has not implemented a lockdown and does not seem to be expanding testing or healthcare capacity sufficiently.

Both nations almost certainly have far more cases than their data shows.


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