A man who shared his regret for going to a party where he caught COVID-19 died the following day

A man who contracted COVID-19 at a party died the day after he shared his regret on Facebook.

coronavirus testing
  • Thomas Macias, 51, wrote on Facebook on June 20 that he had tested positive after the party, and warned other people to not be an "idiot like me," NBC News reported.
  • He wrote "Hopefully with God's help I'll be able to survive this," but was hospitalised and died the next day.
  • His brother in law told NBC News that Macias had been quarantining before the party because he had diabetes and was overweight.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

A man who shared his regret for going to a party in California after contracting the coronavirus died a day after posting his message.

Thomas Macias, 51, went to a party in the town of Lake Elsinore in early June, NBC News' Janelle Griffith reported .

Not long after he shared his regret on Facebook on June 20, and expressed worry about exposing his family.


He was hospitalized and put on a ventilator the next day, but died hours later, NBC said.

In his Facebook post, seen by NBC, he wrote:

"Some of you may know, but most don't. I ... went out a couple of weeks ago and I contracted the corona virus."

He said he was confirmed as testing positive on June 18.

"Because of my stupidity I put my mom and sisters and my family's health in jeopardy," he wrote. "This has been a very painful experience."


"This is no joke. If you have to go out wear a mask and practice social distancing. Don't be a ----ing idiot like me."

He thanked friends for their support, and added: "Hopefully with God's help I'll be able to survive this."

A county records official confirmed to NBC News that Macias had died from COVID-19.

Gustavo Lopez, Macias' his brother-in-law, told NBC that Macias had been self-quarantining from late March until early June.

"He was quarantining because he was overweight and had diabetes," he said.


Diabetes and obesity are among conditions frequently found in those who have died from the virus or contracted a serious case.

The US Centers for Disease Control warns that such conditions make people more vulnerable to COVID-19 . The US has more people with such conditions than other countries.

Lopez also said that a friend of Macias had tested positive for the coronavirus before attending, but did not think they could spread the virus as they were not showing any symptoms.

The friend later advised everyone who was at the party to get tested, he said.

Lopez told NBC News that more than a dozen people tested positive after the party.


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