Audrey Gelman is stepping down as CEO of The Wing, saying it's time for 'a long overdue era of change'

Audrey Gelman, founder and CEO of The Wing, is stepping down from her position at the company.

audrey gelman
  • Gelman reportedly sent an email to Wing members that said she decided to step down "to bring The Wing along into a long overdue era of change."
  • The Wing is a women's social club heralded by members as a place to gather and build professional networks, but it came under fire from former employees earlier this year, some of whom criticized it as elitist and uncomfortable for workers of color.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Audrey Gelman, founder and CEO of The Wing, will step down from her position at the women's social club this month.

A Wing spokesperson confirmed Gelman's resignation to Business Insider and said she will be replaced by an "office of the CEO" held by three women: Lauren Kassan, Celestine Maddy, and Ashley Peterson.

"The past three months have brought change to our society, our culture, our business and our team in ways no one could have imagined. The Wing remains a vital resource for thousands of women navigating their path to success. But the moment calls for a rethinking of how we meet their needs moving forward and for new leadership that can guide The Wing into the future," the spokesperson said.


Gelman said her stepping down was a "crucial step to creating a sustainable solution for the business," according to an email from Gelman published by tech journalist Kara Swisher.

"This decision is the right thing for the business, and the best way to bring The Wing along into a long overdue era of change," Gelman wrote.

The Wing provides a networking and coworking space for its members, and is geared primarily towards professional women. However, it was heavily impacted by COVID-19 Gelman told staff in April that their revenue had dropped by 95 percent that month.

The social club has also come under fire from former employees, who have described its workplace culture as elitist and toxic for workers of color. One former employee said Wing staff "don't get paid enough for our immense physical, intellectual and emotional labor," The New York Times reported in March.


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