BTS, the internationally beloved Korean pop group, tweeted a sponsored post for Samsung from an iPhone, and the internet is losing it

On Saturday BTS, the widely popular Korean pop group with a rabid fanbase across the world, tweeted an anniversary message to fans from an iPhone before quickly deleting the post.

  • BTS has a prominent partnership with Samsung and reshared the post from an Android device moments later.
  • The short-lived mistake was instantly picked up by the group's active internet fanbase and shared thousands of times.
  • The group has featured its latest Galaxy Z Flip phone heavily in music videos and other promoted posts.
  • .

Internet veterans may recall one of the most memorable spon-con gaffes or at least it was, prior to Saturday. Alicia Keys, a creative director for phone maker Blackberry, was tweeting from an iPhone back in 2013. She left her role with Blackberry shortly after.

But Keys' mistake was overshadowed on Saturday when the internationally beloved Korean pop group BTS made a similar error. The group tweeted an anniversary message to fans from an iPhone before quickly deleting the post and resharing it from an Android device, according to screenshots posted by BTS fans.

The group has a prominent partnership with South Korean electronics giant Samsung , which runs Android software on its mobile devices.


The group's highly active internet fanbase caught the mistake almost immediately and posts pointing out the misstep were shared thousands of times.

The group has a highly visible partnership with Samsung and prominently features its latest Galaxy Z Flip phone in music videos and other promoted posts on members' personal pages and those for the group.

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