Comet Neowise is easily visible in the night sky this week. See the most dazzling photos and videos of it so far.

  • Comet Neowise a 3-mile-wide ball of dirty space ice that sprays glowing tails of gas and dust is visible in night skies across the globe this month.
  • The comet will hang bright near the horizon this week, from Tuesday to Sunday, and remain visible until early August. After that it won't return for 6,800 years.
  • Here are the most striking photos and videos of Comet Neowise so far from space and Earth.
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A 3-mile-wide ball of space ice is rocketing past Earth this month.

The rare visitor only appears every 6,800 years. It makes its presence known by emitting long tails of blue and yellow gas and dust.

The comet, called Neowise, reaches its peak brightness this week, but its prominence has already given photographers across the globe some unique opportunities to snap impressive shots. From the plains of Wyoming to the forests of Japan (and even from the windows of the International Space Station), the comet and its brightly colored tails have been hard to miss.


Here are the most stunning photos and videos of Comet Neowise so far.

Nayoro Observatory via Reuters

Scientists operating a NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer telescope, or WISE, spotted the comet on March 27. Formally known as C/2020 F3, the name Comet Neowise refers to the telescope's mission to find potentially threatening near-Earth objects , or NEOs.


Photographer Tom Slovinsk captured the comet's two-pronged tail in striking detail in Slovakia.

Amateur astronomer Thierry Legault photographed the comet at sunset, above the tidal island of Mont-Saint-Michel in France.


The white tail is made of dust and the blue one is made of ionized gas, according to NASA .

Photographer Declan Deval snapped the photo below as the comet rose above Stonehenge.


"Right before the sun came up, that comet became visible during that short period of time when it was still close to the sun, but the sun was still hidden by the Earth," NASA astronaut Bob Behnken , who recently launched to the ISS aboard SpaceX's new Crew Dragon spaceship, told The New York Times' "The Daily" podcast last week. "It was just an awesome sight to be able to see."

UK-based graphic artist Sen Doran downloaded those images from a NASA archive and edited them into a breathtaking time-lapse movie .(The comet becomes visible around 3:10.)


Smith and his friend Jasman Mander drove to Shasta-Trinity National Forest and hiked an hour to Heart Lake a mirror pool situated below the summit to watch the comet emerge around 4 a.m.

"We brainstormed ideas and locations only to both come to the conclusion that this location was the one," Smith said on Instagram . "Nature laid up this absolutely perfect window of a composition."


"We were speechless as we took in this incredible moment together," Mander said in his own Instagram post . "We figured something would be visible from here, but we did not expect such a beautiful and dramatic display out there tucked into the Cascades."

Mark McCaughrean, the senior advisor for science and exploration at the European Space Agency, stitched together 106 photos to make the video above.


Photographer Bryan Hansel captured this image at Minnesota's Cascade River around 1:30 a.m.

"It seems like the tail gets a little longer every day," photographer Kevin Palmer said on Twitter .


Photographer Leon Kauffman, who captured the shot below, said on Twitter that in long-expsoure images of the comet, "what the camera picks up is more brilliant that what you see with the naked eye."

Darrin Zammit Lupi/Reuters


In that period, according to , the comet's best "prime-time" viewing hours will come in the evening, about 80 minutes after sunset.


Sergei Grits/AP Photo

So soak up the views while you can.

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