How to clear the Java cache on your Mac or PC to fix web browsing issues

You can clear the Java cache on your computer to fix issues with web browsing, and possibly help your computer run faster.


Java is a programming language that helps many websites run correctly. When you visit a site that uses Java, it stores some data in a cache on your computer, which helps these sites run faster.

If you're having issues with Java on your Mac or PC, you can clear its cache, which forces it to reload its data. This can clear up bugs and other unusual behavior.

It's worth pointing out, however, that few popular programs or websites rely on Java anymore, and Java is considered by some to be a significant security risk. If you don't have a specific need for Java, you should consider uninstalling it.


1. Click the Start button and then type "Control Panel." Click the Control Panel when it appears in the Start menu.


2. In the Control panel, click "Programs."

3. Click "Java." The Java Control panel should appear. If you don't see this option, it means you don't have Java installed.

4. In the "General" tab, in the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click "Settings"


5. Click "Delete Files"

6. In the "Delete Files and Applications" dialog box, make sure the first two options are selected and then click "OK."

1. Click the Apple icon in the top-left and then click "System Preferences..."

2. Click "Java." If you don't see this option, it means you don't have Java installed.


3. In the General tab, in the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click "Settings"

4. Click "Delete Files"

5. In the "Delete Files and Applications" dialog box, make sure the first two options are selected and then click "OK."


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