How to create a group email in Yahoo Mail in 2 different ways

You can create a group email in Yahoo Mail by simply sending an email to multiple people at once.


If you need to communicate with a large number of people at once, group emails are a must. Luckily, Yahoo Mail makes setting up group emails incredibly easy.

The quick way to create a single group email is to enter multiple email addresses in the "To" field when you send an email. Every address will receive the email, and they can all respond back.

But Yahoo Mail also gives you the option to make group mailing lists, which will let you send off group emails with even greater ease.


Here's how to create group email lists in Yahoo Mail , using any browser on your Mac or PC.


1. Sign into Yahoo mail, and then click on the "Contacts" icon in the top-right corner of your inbox.

2. Click "Lists," then hit "Create list."

3. Name the list, then search for the names you want to add using the search bar beneath "Add contacts." Note that they'll need to have been added to your contact list already. If they aren't a contact, head back to the main Contacts screen and click "Add a new contact" at the bottom.


4. Click "Save."

5. To add or remove members, go to the Lists menu again and click "Edit" next the list you want to change.

6. To send a group email, select "Compose" and then in the "To" field enter the name of the email list you created. Write and send your email like you would any other.


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