How to follow or unfollow a show on Quibi to track your favorite content

You can follow and unfollow shows on Quibi to know when a new episode of a show is available, save a show to watch later, or remove it from your feed.

Man on couch watching videos on phone

With all the shows to choose from on the streaming video service Quibi, keeping track of the ones you want to watch can be challenging. That's why the mobile app makes it easy to "follow" the shows you want.

When you follow a slow, it appears in a personalized list for easy viewing. When you're done watching a show or no longer want to see it in the list of shows you're following, you can unfollow it with just a tap.

Here's how to follow and unfollow a show on Quibi.


1. Open the Quibi app.


2. Find a show you want to follow, either from the For You feed or by searching for it on the Browse screen.

3. Tap and hold the show. After a moment, a pop-up menu will appear.

4. Choose "Follow."

5. Tap the "Following" tab at the bottom of the screen to see the show on your following list.


1. Select the "Following" tab at the bottom of the Quibi app screen.

2. Tap the three dots in the corner of the show you want to unfollow.

3. Tap "Unfollow," and the show will disappear from the list.


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