How to 'Whisper' on Twitch to send a private message to any user

You can "Whisper" to someone on Twitch using a chat command, or by going to their profile page.

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You may want to send a message over a Twitch stream chat that's particularly personal, or contains privileged information. That's where Twitch's "Whisper" function can come in handy.

With Whispers, you can send someone on Twitch a private message. This will open up a private chat room for just the two of you.

Here's how you can send a Whisper on Twitch , using either the website on your Mac and PC, or the mobile app on your iPhone and Android devices.


1. Open Twitch in any internet browser and sign in, and then navigate to the channel and stream chat where you want to send a user a Whisper.

2. Once in the stream chat, type out this command, followed by the message you want to send via Whisper: /w username . In place of "username," put the actual username of the person you want to contact.

3. Send the message when you're ready.


From there, a new private chat window will open, where you can continue to message each other privately.

1. Open the Twitch app on your iPhone or Android device and open the profile of the user you'd like to Whisper to. You can find this profile by searching for them.

2. On an Android, click "Whisper" on their profile page to open a private chat window. On an iPhone, tap the three dots in the top-right corner, and then select "Whisper" from the menu that appears.


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