Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai are reportedly willing to testify before Congress over antitrust concerns on the condition that Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook testify as well (GOOGL, FB)

Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg may both be willing to appear in front of Congress to address antitrust concerns, according to reports from both Bloomberg and the Washington Post.

Sundar Pichai Mark Zuckerberg
  • Both companies have already alerted the House Judiciary Committee by letter, and both have made it clear that their executives will appear on the condition that the other top tech leaders testify as well, according to the reports.
  • Amazon has already said it would make CEO Jeff Bezos available to testify at a hearing "with the other CEOs this summer."
  • Apple has not said definitively whether CEO Tim Cook will appear, according to the reports.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Google's Sundar Pichai and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg may be willing to testify in front of Congress as part of its antitrust inquiry into big tech companies, according to reports from both Bloomberg and the Washington Post .

Both Google and Facebook have already alerted Congress via letter that Pichai and Zuckerberg, respectively, are willing to appear, according to both reports.

Neither company immediately responded to Business Insider's request for comment.


The companies' willingness to make their top executives available follows Amazon's letter to the House Judiciary Committee ,which said the company would "make the appropriate executive available to testify," which includes Bezos. The letter specifically noted that Bezos would be willing to testify at a hearing "with the other CEOs this summer."

Pichai's and Zuckerberg's appearances in front of the panel would be on the condition that the other CEOs appear as well. Apple has not said definitively it will make CEO Tim Cook available to appear before Congress, according to both reports.

While Bezos has never testified in front of Congress, Zuckerberg, Pichai, and Cook have all appeared before Congress in the past, although not to specifically address antitrust concerns.

The House Judiciary Committee has been looking into tech companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook for several months, probing whether any of tech's major players acted anti-competitively and hoping to determine whether laws regarding competition have kept up with the pace of big tech companies.

Rep. David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island, chairs the House's antitrust panel and plans to publish a report on his findings. That report could contain his recommendations for changes to regulations that would directly affect those four companies, according to the Post.


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