These $229 clear shields may be protecting your desk when you go back to the office

As offices start to reopen, experts say that among the measures employers should take is installing transparent desk shields as protective barriers in the workplace.

poppin desk shield clear office design covid-19 pandemic
  • Office furniture and supply firm Poppin offers clear, acrylic dividers priced between $229 and $389 in various sizes that you can simply place atop the desk.
  • Such shields will likely become a mainstay in this new era of office culture as distancing measures become a top priority.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

As employers gear up to welcome returning employees back to the office, they'll need quick solutions to implement distancing measures.

Doling out thousands of dollars in capital to retrofit the workplace with wholesale changes is not the right move right now. Experts say employers instead should establish one-way hallways , sanitation stations, and set up desk dividers to cut down contact amongst employees.

Here's how the clear shields sold by office supply firm Poppin could change the workplace.



Recommendations include installing "transparent shields or other physical barriers where possible to separate employees and visitors where social distancing is not an option."



Source: Bloomberg



The most effective way to prevent a respiratory virus like COVID-19 from spreading is lowering the chance that a respiratory droplet from someone who is infected lands on someone else, thereby infecting them.




As much as shields and physical barriers may indeed help bolster distancing measures in the office, they also help improve the perception of well-being for employees, a necessity as employers begin reopening offices.

"There's so much more than just putting up screens and disinfectants," Melissa Hanley, the CEO of the design firm Blitz, told Business Insider in May. "There's a human aspect of this that can't get lost in the conversation."


Source: Poppin

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