Vice President Pence says the US has 'flattened the curve,' but 14 charts shown by his White House Coronavirus Task Force show why that's false

"We flattened the curve," Vice President Mike Pence said on Friday after a meeting with the White House Coronavirus Task Force

coronavirus task force fauci

America has never had as many new, diagnosed cases of the coronavirus as it does today.

Across the US, cities and states are pressing pause on their reopening plans, and instituting mask mandates, as the number of new cases in many populous areas hit all-time highs.

But to hear Vice President Mike Pence tell it, the country is doing fine.


"As we stand here today, all 50 states and territories across this country are opening up safely and responsibly," Vice President Pence told reporters after a meeting with the White House Coronavirus Task Force on Friday. "The truth is, we did slow the spread. We flattened the curve."

Here are 14 charts and maps shown by his White House Coronavirus Task Force thatshow how the virus is spreading faster than ever in many heavily populated areas of the southern US.

White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services


"We want the American people to understand, it's almost inarguable that more testing is generating more cases," Pence said.

The data tells a different story.

White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services


New Jersey now lets anyone in the state who wants one get a coronavirus test , but the number of coronavirus cases in that state is still declining.

White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

In fact, New York is testing more than 60,000 people every day. Only about 1% of those tests are coming back positive, so it's not the testing that's driving the uptick in coronavirus cases around the US.


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

Pence applauded "the extraordinary progress in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and New Orleans," over the past few months what he called a "precipitous decline from some of the worst moments of this pandemic."

That is true for those areas of the country, but it is not the right way to think about what's going on elsewhere.


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

Pence said there's a "rising series of new cases across the American South."

At least 16 states are grappling with rising numbers and percentages of positive coronavirus cases. It's a troubling sign that not enough testing is happening in those spots to assess the full scale of the spread of the illness.


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

If it were true that the increase in coronavirus case numbers was just a result of better testing, then we should be seeing the percentage of positive cases fall, as more of the population gets tested.


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

Part of the reason that death rates are dropping across the country is that more young people are getting infected, but that does not mean their cases are not severe, or that this trend will continue.


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

Arizona, Texas, California, Florida, Georgia and Washington are all seeing upticks in cases.

It can take up to a week or more during an infection for the virus to get really bad .


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

Florida reported 8,933 new coronavirus cases on Thursday nearly double the case count from the previous day, and a sharp uptick from when the state started reopening in May, with hundreds, not thousands of cases each day.


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

Pence said he's headed to Florida next Thursday to "get a ground report."


White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services

San Francisco is also pressing pause on its reopening plans.

White House Coronavirus Task Force / US Department of Health and Human Services


"The rate of the spread of this virus is unacceptable," Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey said Thursday . "Arizonans are safer at home, and you can stay healthy at home."

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