In pictures: Blu 3 make history at reunion concert

Saturday night, June 22 was the scene for posterity as Uganda’s biggest female singing trio, Blu 3 came together for their long-awaited reunion concert.

Blu 3 put up a thrilling show last night, marking their return after 16 years

After over 16 years of being a part and running solo careers, the ladies Lilian Mbabazi, Cindy Sanyu, and Jackie Chandiru hit the stage and put up what should contend for concert of the year.


The show, put together by Talent Africa Group has been months in the making.

Parking up the Sheraton gardens to the brim, the show pulled scores of A-listers in the music industry including Karma Music’s Sheebah Karungi, who last year had a fierce music battle with Cindy at Kololo Independence grounds.


The show was graced among others by HRH the King of Tooro, Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru IV.

The ladies hit the stage at nightfall -- following a captivating acapella teaser -- with their Swahili hit single Hitaji.


Jackie rolled up in a black outfit -- a dramatic flair with a combination of velvet and leather-like materials. So did Cindy who rocked blue hair and a futuristic, black leather jacket with exaggerated shoulders. Her outfit was completed with silver accents and form-fitting, light-coloured leggings with knee-high black boots.

Lillian also in black, rocked a structured, high-collared jacket with a flared, peplum-style bottom.

As the night went on, the ladies turned up the tempo with some of the biggest hits from the mid-2000s such as Frisky, Sanyu Lyange, Nkoye, and others that got revellers up on their feet.


They were later to be joined on stage by other artists including Weasel Manizo for a thrilling performance of the 2009 mega-hit “Where You Are” as well as another artist Vinka and Lydia Jazmine.




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