Briefing: Komuntale gives birth, Kampala spot where naked girls wash cars

Good morning. Here are the latest updates in the entertainment world to enjoy as you head to work.

Tooro princess Ruth Komuntale Akiiki welcomed a baby prince on Friday morning

Tooro princess, Ruth Komuntale Akiiki, and Phil Farquharson are now parents to a baby prince named Jamari Mathew Farquharson Adyeeri, Tooro King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV announced Friday morning.


"I welcome my first handsome nephew to the Royal Family. May God bless both parents and the baby," he tweeted.


Events promoter Andrew Mukasa, alias Bajjo has said the government should only consider limiting people’s social lives if they have alternatives to how people can forget the problems they are facing.

"People don't go to Nyege Nyege to see naked people... They go there because they have nothing to do... They go there to relieve themselves of stress. But if you tell a person,... I don't condone promiscuity because I'm a born-again Christian. But Uganda is ruined; we have to get drunk to forget our problems. Before they put in place conditions to forget our current problems, [they shouldn’t limit how we have fun]. Government should first plug socio-economic problems that are affecting people… People leading us are mad and we are also mad,” Bajjo, who was commenting on the issue of cancelling Nyege Nyege, said.

"This government's plan is to keep people in poverty. Any income-generating activity rubs them the wrong way. You may find the person running Nyege Nyege is not part of the government... The promoter is making more money than MPs and they are jealous… Parliament should come up with a law that apportions money to cultural institutions.”


Political analyst Tamale Mirundi knows a washing bay in Bugolobi, a Kampala suburb, where denuded women are hired to wash cars.

"There are places… I can take you to Bugolobi and show you where naked girls wash cars while sitting. You pay Shs100,000 to enter... men like seeing private parts of women," he said in a video seen by this reporter.

"There are also strip clubs. Women hit the stage naked and start pissing. You find old men gawking. In Buganda culture, a woman can't strip naked before her husband. Even if you find her showering, she wraps herself in a towel. Even during sex, you switch off the lights so you don't examine your wife properly... to leave room for imagination.”

Speaker of Parliament Anita Among has insisted on not rescinding her pronouncement on canceling the Nyege Nyege festival despite Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja clearing the fete preparations to carry on.


"One thing that I want to remind this house. That nobody will overrun this house so long as I am a speaker. Nobody,” she said.

"If you think you are going to overrun the parliament of Uganda, you will not do it. I am elected by 415 members of parliament. Number two, the decision of this parliament on Nyege Nyege stands. Number three, the executive should do its part. Let the executive do whatever they want to do, for us we made a pronouncement.”

The festival will be held from September 15-18 at Itanda Falls in Jinja.

Lastly, singer Winnie Nwagi's concert is on today at Lugogo Cricket Oval.



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