Gideon Kirumira names 4 favourite singers, 2 inspiring tycoons

Businessman Gideon Kirumira praised fellow entrepreneurs Hamis Kiggundu and Rajiv Ruparelia for being an inspiration to young people aspiring to join the business community.

Hamis Kiggundu, Gideon Kirumira and Weasel Manizo

Gideon, the son of tycoon Godfrey Kirumira, while speaking to Spark TV, was also asked to name celebrities he would like to work with. He mentioned Radio and Weasel as his favourites, noting that he had attended their recently concluded concert.


He also named Jose Chameleone, Bebe Cool, and Pastor Wilson Bugembe as people he would love to collaborate with.

Asked if he would be interested in working with Weasel Manizo, he said yes.


Weasel Manizo, born Douglas Lwanga, grew up in the Kawempe neighbourhood of Kampala, Uganda. He began his education at Happy Hours Primary School before moving on to St. Balikudembe Mitala Maria and Kawanda Secondary School. His academic journey was cut short when he dropped out in Senior Five. However, Weasel's passion for music was evident from a young age. While still in high school, he started singing with friends like Kim Swagga, laying the foundation for what would become a successful music career.

During his time in Senior Four, Weasel was given a significant break by the renowned Ugandan musician Jose Chameleone, who helped him record his first album. This album earned him a Shs2.5 million payout, courtesy of Kasiwukira. However, after dropping out of school, Weasel decided to venture abroad to the United States in search of work, taking on menial jobs. Despite his efforts, he returned home after a few months, realising his heart remained in Uganda and in music.


Upon his return, Weasel lived with Chameleone, where he crossed paths with Mowzey Radio, a talented musician brought to Leone Island by Chagga. The two hit it off immediately, bonding over their shared passion for music. They began backing Chameleone during performances and even backed each other during shows. Weasel already had some songs under his belt, such as "Bomboclaat" with Chameleone, while Radio recorded "Jennifer," a track facilitated by Chameleone's mentorship. It was Chameleone who also encouraged the two to collaborate, setting the stage for the iconic duo.

Unfortunately, after some time, Weasel and Radio had a falling out with Chameleone, leading to their departure from his home. They moved in together with Jeff Kiwanuka, but financial struggles soon followed. They found themselves broke, yet still determined to make a name for themselves. A turning point came when Weasel encountered Aziz Azion, who was on his way to Omulangira Ssuna's studio. Intrigued, Weasel tapped Radio, and together, they joined Aziz at the studio.


When they arrived, Ssuna asked them what genre they wanted to sing, but neither had a clear answer. Fortunately, Ssuna had an instrumental for "Lwaki Onumya," which had yet to find the right artist. When Ssuna played it, Radio immediately began to flow, and they recorded the song. Encouraged by this success, they returned to the studio the following day and recorded another hit, "Nakudata," in collaboration with Ssuna.

Excited by their progress, Weasel and Radio handed the recordings to Jeff Kiwanuka, who immediately recognised their potential, declaring them hits. Within a week, they were being booked for shows at Shs600k per performance. Their rise was swift, but as with many partnerships, disagreements arose, particularly over how to share the earnings from their bookings. This led to a fallout with Ssuna, yet Weasel and Radio continued their journey, cementing themselves as one of Uganda's most legendary musical duos.



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