I see Bebe Cool as a father figure - Douglas Lwanga

Douglas Lwanga revealed that he holds Bebe Cool in such high regard that he considers him a father figure.

Douglas Lwanga and Bebe Cool

"I lost my dad in Primary Seven, so I take him more like a father figure," Lwanga said during an interview with Juliana Kanyomozi.


According to the celebrated media personality, Bebe Cool also treats him like a son.

"He has been there directing my career, looking out for me and opportunities, so I appreciate him for that," he said. "I have always appreciated him."


It was the Kasepiki hitmaker who helped Lwanga secure a job at NTV Uganda after he quit Record TV.

He had been at Record TV for around five years, hosting a popular entertainment show dubbed Katogo.

In a previous interview, Douglas Lwanga revealed that he had left Record TV due to frustration with management and a lack of future prospects at the company.

Bebe Cool called to ask what he planned to do next. The Purple Party founder, who hadn’t decided, told him he was still open to offers from different stations that were contacting him.

Despite not being “close friends,” Lwanga recalled, "He was like, you should not settle for less, you are a big brand, you've built something, I want you at this place. So, he picked up the phone and called Aggie Konde, then managing director of Africa Broadcasting Uganda Limited, a subsidiary of Nation Media Group and owner of NTV Uganda."


Cool set up the meeting with Konde, and Douglas Lwanga pitched his idea. He joined NTV in 2013.

Juliana Kanyomozi told Lwanga that Cool should be celebrated for his selfless acts towards many people in the industry.



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