Irene Ntale promises to attend Lil Pazo's show, speaks more on dating him

Irene Ntale has announced her support for Lil Pazo and plans to attend his Enkudi Beach Festival, scheduled for August 18 at Aero Beach in Entebbe.

Irene Ntale

"I wish him a successful show... Come and support him. I will also be there," she said while appearing on Saymore Official.


The two have been in the news after Pazo expressed his feelings for her.

During the interview, Ntale commented on the reliability of musicians in romantic relationships.

"This one can break your heart and forget everything he said," she said, laughing.


She mentioned that she found the video in which Lil Pazo made the remarks amusing and enjoyed watching it. Many people, including her mother, had sent it to her.

When asked if she would date the singer, she replied that she would consider it after the festival.

Lil Pazo had been out of the spotlight for about seven years until he released his hit single Enkuddi in January. The song has been trending, and no other tracks have matched its success, apart from Hoozambe, whose future remains uncertain.

Pazo's engaging personality has helped him maintain his relevance.


In the interview, Irene Ntale expressed no regrets about leaving Swangz Avenue, emphasizing that she has achieved more independently than she did under a record label.

She mentioned that she now works at a pace she enjoys.

While some believe her brand is less visible now compared to her time with the record label, Ntale explained that this does not necessarily mean she was more successful back then.

"Nothing frustrates you like your music being everywhere yet you have no money in your pocket... People think you are successful, but it's just the music that's everywhere," she said.


She noted that she now sees the money she earns, which was not the case before.

Ntale, who joined Swangz Avenue in 2013 and left in 2017, stated she was ready to move on.



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