Jalia Walda's biography and why she hides her husband

Jalia Walda Nassolo was born and raised in Nakulabye, a neighbourhood in Kampala, and is the fifth of nine children.

Jalia Walda Nassolo

In an interview with Juliana Kanyomozi, she mentioned attending several schools: Rhema Junior School Nakulabye, Hope Primary School Kawaala, Nurudeen Primary School in Kibuli, Bilal Islamic Secondary School in Bwaise, Bright Angels on Balintuma Road, and Knowledge Centre High School Kawaala. She completed her education up to Senior Four at Kampala Secondary School.


Jalia explained to Kanyomozi that she had returned to Uganda for her wedding anniversary, which was also a holiday. She has been married for seven years but has been with her husband for 12 years.

She met her husband through her sister Liz, who has since passed away. At the time, her husband was already in the U.S., and they began communicating online until she moved there in 2018. They started talking while she was still in school.


Jalia Walda was drawn to her husband because of the care he showed for his son, Alex, whom he had from a previous relationship. Additionally, she sought a financially stable man who was not Muslim.

She chooses to keep her husband's identity private due to his work and enjoys the curiosity this generates.

Originally born a Muslim, Jalia became a born-again Christian in 2016 through Kakande Ministries. She learned makeup artistry while attending a baking academy, thanks to a friend, and furthered her skills through YouTube, which taught her how to monetise her knowledge.

Jalia Walda began conducting tutorials on Facebook Live and joined relevant groups, which helped her gain clients as a makeup artist. She gained significant social media attention in 2019, and her husband supported her venture by investing in her career.


She later pursued education in the U.S. to learn how to formulate beauty products.



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