New Nyamutoro video sparks pregnancy rumours

Singer Eddy Kenzo could soon be a new dad if the recent social media frenzy about his partner Phiona Nyamutoro is anything to go by.

Nyamutoro looked dazzling long-sleeved light and dark floral print dress
  • Rumors about Eddy Kenzo's partner, Phiona Nyamutoro, potentially being pregnant sparked a social media frenzy
  • The rumors started after the Minister of State for Minerals was seen at an event in a dress that accentuated her waistline, leading to speculations about pregnancy
  • Social media users rushed to congratulate the couple and commented on the situation

Word started swirling last weekend about the Minister of State for Minerals potentially baking a bun in her oven.

The rumour was fueled by a video that popped on social media of the minister addressing a gathering in Pakwatch District.

She was the chief guest at the coronation of Rwoth Stanley Thoopachu Ombidi III of Ker Kwonga in Panyimur.


Rocking in a long-sleeved light and dark floral print dress, the minister looked dazzling.

But the dress’s cinched waistline accentuated something else that did not go unnoticed.

From an angle, many on social media thought they saw the minister's belly popping out, sparking pregnancy rumours.


Some users rushed to congratulate the minister and Mr Kenzo while others appreciated the couple’s “haste.”

The guy is very sharp,” wrote one Everest on X.

Another commenter wrote, “Diriisa Musajja wamaanyi”

Kenzo revealed back in April that he has a child with Nyamutoro


He confirmed this on stage during Eid al-Fitr celebrations at Comedy Store.



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