Speaking to the media, MC Kats said when he learnt about the scholarship, he called Alien Skin with a lot of excitement to tell him the news.
“I told him this is an opportunity for that kid to study with rich kids,” said MC Kats.
He said Alien Skin was "very positive".
Then Alien Skin asked Kats if the school was going to pay him, but Kats told him he wasn’t going to be paid and the only offer was the scholarship to help Champion Ogudo.
According to MC Kats, SKin then demanded to meet the school management at his record label Fangone Forest.
Kats called Dr. Lawrence Muganga, the vice chancellor of Victoria University, which is also owned by Sudhir Ruparelia to inquire if that’s possible. Dr. Muganga told him it’s not possible, as such functions are always attended by Ruparelia himself and it would also be bad optics for the business.
MC Kats felt like Alien SKin was trying to create the right career guide and also the impression that he is the one helping people who were offering Ogudo a scholarship. There are arguments that the school was going to benefit from the publicity that comes with Ogudo and Skin who are now celebrities.
MC Kats was shocked when Alien Skin asked him if there’s any president that has ever studied at Kampala Parents’ School. Ogudo wouldn’t be the first celebrity kid to win a scholarship, as the same school is currently educating Fresh Kid and another rapper Felista is also studying at a school owned by a former MP.