While performing on Thursday at a military event attended by President Museveni at the Kololo Independence Grounds, the singer asked the president to join him in the efforts to build a health facility at Bobi Wine’s One Love Beach in Busalaba.
“We have mobilized and managed to get one acre of land in Busabala. We are now asking you Mr Presidnt to help us set up a medical clinic,” he said.
“I personally have contributed two bags of cement, so we ask that you give a contribution of your own so that the people of Busabala have a health centre.”
Gravity has been beefing online with Bobi Wine over the past week, over the opposition leader’s recent remarks about the government’s budget priorities.
Bobi Wine chastised the government for allocating Shs 13 billion to Ugandan artists when many parts of the country are still without basic health services.
Gravity, who has a longstanding beef with Wine responded by blasting Bobi Wine in a media interview, “There are enough hospitals. Constructing many hospitals makes it look like you want more people to fall sick.”
To drive his message home, Gravity yesterday, Wednesday drove a truckload of sand and two bags of cement and dropped them at the Busabala beach gate, urging Bobi Wine to start from there and build a health facility on his own.