Blu 3 reunion concert: A night of nostalgia and unforgettable moments

The anticipation had been building for weeks, and last night, the moment everyone in town had been waiting for finally arrived: the Blu 3 reunion concert.

Fellow artistes turned up to support Blu 3

Fans, friends, and music enthusiasts flocked to the Kampala Sheraton Gardens by the thousands to support Uganda’s beloved girl group, eager to be taken down memory lane by the trio's timeless hits.


It was a resounding success that brought together fans, celebrities, and music lovers for an evening of music that will be remembered for years to come.

Tusker Malt Lager, a beer known for supporting premium music events, was the sponsor, and guests savoured the finely crafted beer as they sang along to Blu 3's hits.

The highlights of the night were numerous, with every attendee getting their money’s worth and more.


Each of the ladies had the opportunity to shine with solo performances, but the reunion of Blu 3 on stage, performing their most loved hits, was the icing on the cake.

Jackie Chandiru’s set was particularly awe-inspiring.

She began her performance with "Champion," then invited Vinka on stage for a duet.

After their duet, Vinka emotionally shared her deep appreciation for Jackie, calling her a mentor as she began her musical journey as a backup dancer for Jackie.


She exited the stage saying, "You guys don't know what this means for me, thank you all for the love and support."

Cindy and Lilian also brought their A-game, delivering stunning solo performances throughout their sets while keeping the essence of Blu 3 alive.

The choreography and dancing were exceptional, reflecting the effort and dedication put into the performance, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Tusker Malt provided an amazing experience, complementing the musical extravaganza with a premium experience.


Speaking on behalf of Tusker Malt, Brand Manager Roy Tumwizere shared his sentiments about being a part of such an iconic moment in Ugandan music history.

"Tusker Malt has always been a staunch supporter of Uganda’s music talent. The ladies were incredible; they gave us their finest performance, and we loved it! We are also proud to have provided the guests with an amazing Tusker Malt experience. As many of you know, an evening with Tusker Malt and great music is indeed a wonderful pairing. We look forward to more nights with you all," he shared.

It was a perfect blend of nostalgia and fresh energy. Each hit track took the audience on a trip down memory lane, with the ladies performing fan favourites like "Strong Woman," "Hitaji," "Nzijukira," "Mutima Gwange," and more, that had everyone dancing and singing along.

The greatest highlight of the night was undoubtedly the closing sequence.

Starting with "Where You Are," the emotional tribute to the late Mozey Radio, displayed on the digital screen behind them, brought tears to many eyes and added a sentimental touch to the evening. Weasel upped the tempo when he made an appearance on this one.


The finale, "Nsanyuka Nawe," was a brilliant choice to end the concert.

The crowd erupted in joy, dancing and celebrating as the familiar beats filled the venue. It was a moment of pure euphoria, proving once again that Blu 3’s legacy is alive and well.



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