8 simple routines every young go-getter needs to meet their goals

For highly ambitious folks, investing time into activities that recharge them is more important than soldiering through fatigue and pushing limits. This is the reason tech billionaire Elon Musk is able to work for over 120 hours each week.

8 simple routines every young go-getter needs to meet their goals

Here are some of the routines you need to create in order to stay on top of your goals and stay ahead of the pack.


Create and maintain a self-talk space when you get sucked into the overdrive of go-getters. Social media is filled with the over-achievers script of "bossing" "grinding" "leveling up" and such mantras whose efficiency and effectiveness has no scientific proof but are also prerequisites of burn out, loss of motivation, isolation.


According to licensed psychologist Lori L. Cangilla, Ph.D, refocus and balance yourself by reminding yourself of your values, “I can work toward my goal while maintaining other parts of my life,” she says. It will relieve the mental strain.

According to Murphy's law, if anything can go wrong, it will. With all the ups and downs of any given endeavour, agonising about shortcomings and failures will drain you fast.

Keeping an upbeat attitude and positive outlook will require you to be able to laugh at yourself and situations. At the very least, it will help you find the humour in the downs. Imagine the story that you will have one day when it is all said and done, according to Cangilla.


The people in this circle are important for you to develop and keep that sense of humour. In fact, your social life is one of the bulwarks against adversity and serves as your support system to grow resilience.

However tempting it is to skip happy hour, family dinners, social invites, attend them.


A picture is worth a thousand words. In addition to your list of goals, create a vision board for your priorities with pictures of things you care about and the things you want to achieve.

This board will give you a motivation boost, inspire you and help you adjust your vision, goals, priorities, as you go.


Establish a work routine and get help to make sure you stick to it. A work frame forces you to cut out the unnecessary, leaving you with a few prime things to work with. Aside from creating time for yourself, it will boost your productivity within the limits. Which bring us to...

When possible, adjust your definition of productivity and then cut back on the effort and energy you expend, accordingly.

Find what schedule is easy to commit to and what portion, then optimise it.


Set your alarm to remind you when to stop working, when to work on something else, when to look away from your work, to check in with your physical health, to engage in other areas of your life.


Getting lost in work can isolate you from the pleasure of a home cooked meal because you are busy snacking your way through the day. Allow yourself the time to get lost in preparing a meal or two and have it or them away from your work desk.


Blasche, G. 2018. Comparison of rest-break interventions during a mentally demanding task. Stress Health. doi: 10.1002/smi.2830.

Otto, MCB. 2020. The Development of a Proactive Burnout Prevention Inventory: How Employees Can Contribute to Reduce Burnout Risks. Public Health. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051711.


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