Bridging educational gaps in Kibuli: The Angaza Resource Centre's impact

On July 1, 2023, the 40 Days Over 40 Smiles Foundation (4040) inaugurated the Angaza Resource Centre (ARC) in Kibuli, aiming to address educational deficiencies in the area, particularly for children attending schools lacking essential facilities such as computer labs and libraries.

The Angaza Resource Centre's first year exemplifies the power of community collaboration with a shared vision.

The ARC boasts a computer lab and a library equipped with computers, storybooks, textbooks, games, and various learning aids.


A team of qualified teachers facilitates reading, literacy, and life skills sessions, and provides computer training to learners, teachers, and young people from Kibuli and surrounding communities.

Esther Kalenzi, the 4040 Team Leader, explained that the idea for the resource centre stemmed from the Angaza Outreach Programme in partner schools, where significant educational gaps were identified.

The Foundation raised funds to establish the Resource Centre to make necessary resources more accessible to the community.


"When we visited different schools, we noticed the absence of libraries. Some had small shelves in the Head Teacher's office for storing books. We began discussing ways to provide learning resources that could serve both in-school and out-of-school children within Makindye Division. This is how the Angaza Resource Centre dream was born," Kalenzi noted.

Since its inception, the Angaza Resource Centre has collaborated with four schools: Quentin and Merowa Junior Schools, Vallerian Primary School, and Hope Shammah Junior School.

More than 200 children use the computer lab and library weekly, receiving basic training in ICT, alongside literacy and life skills, significantly enhancing their computer proficiency, reading, comprehension, and spelling abilities.


Rachael Nassali (not her real name), a Primary 4 learner at Merowa Junior School, shared her excitement: "I learned how to read, spell better, search for work on the computer, and I have made new friends."

In March 2024, the Centre hosted its first D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) Day, inviting guests such as Siima Sabiti, Faith Mulungi, Kareem Katuramu, Hermione Nakabugo, Kato Katende, Tracy Kababiito, and Isaac Munanira to read to the children during a week-long series. These efforts aimed to improve literacy and foster a love for reading.

With the new competence-based curriculum in secondary education, research skills facilitated through access to computers and books are crucial.

The ARC has organised two-holiday programmes for teenagers from the community to enhance their computer competencies and provide a safe space for reading and peer interaction.


30 youngsters have participated in the programme, with positive testimonials.

Rahmah Mirembe, who attended the Holiday Programme in May, remarked, “Angaza Resource Centre welcomes everyone, whether young or a teenager, and learning is free as they strive to improve our generation.”

According to Isaiah Akankwasa, “The Angaza Resource Centre Community feels like a family to me. It has helped me become a chess champion and gain skills in ICT."

He said: "I learned about being hardworking, persistent, and resilient, as well as the importance of love, respect, empathy, honesty, and integrity. The Centre has greatly contributed to my studies and personal growth. Long live the Angaza Resource Centre Community.”


The Centre’s impact extends beyond learners to their educators. It has been instrumental in training teachers in learner-centred education, enabling them to deliver more effective and engaging lessons. Three training sessions, on phonics, early-grade reading assessment, and resource creation, have been attended by 35 primary teachers, enhancing their ability to teach creatively.

Teacher Nasali Alazia from Merowa Junior School noted, "I have learned proper pronunciation and different sounds, which I look forward to implementing in my class."

Additionally, 10 teachers have received ICT training to better support their learners and utilise these skills in their professional lives.


The Foundation aims to expand its reach and impact. Plans are underway to equip the Centre with more computers and reading materials to enhance the learning experience for children further.

"We are committed to making the Angaza Resource Centre a hub of educational support and excellence. We encourage parents and the community to continue supporting and utilising the Centre to its fullest potential," says Gloria Mbabazi, Head of the ARC.

4040 also plans to extend its efforts to other communities, not only through physical centres but also by providing books and learning aids via mobile libraries and offering relevant training to educators.

The Angaza Resource Centre's first year exemplifies the power of community collaboration with a shared vision.


The establishment of the Angaza Resource Centre was a collective effort, funded through crowdfunding donations from supporters and friends, and grants from partners such as the Segal Family Foundation and Merck Foundation.

Volunteers have played a crucial role in maintaining and running the Centre, ensuring its sustainability and continuous impact.

"We have been blessed with incredible support. From finding land to fundraising, it was all easier to manage because of the amazing team at 4040, as well as our wonderful supporters and partners," said Esther Kalenzi, Team Lead at 4040.

While strides have been made, the Centre continues to work towards full capacity. Currently, it faces a shortage of computers and chairs, limiting its reach, and lacks essential textbooks and learning aids such as charts and games.

If you are interested in supporting the centre, you can donate gently used items like computers, textbooks, storybooks, games, puzzles, a projector, and educational charts for children.


Your support will help provide a better learning environment and reach more children in need.

Donations can be made via mobile money on 0776 840 407/0757 140 407, DCFU Bank on account number 01083551658354 under the name Forty Days Over 40 Smiles Foundation, or online via Global Giving.

For further information, you can reach out to Forty Days Over 40 Smiles via 0776 840 407/0757 140 407, or visit its website.


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