10 common breast cancer signs that you should never ignore

10 common breast cancer signs that you should never ignore.

10 common breast cancer signs that you should never ignore

Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers affecting women worldwide, though men can also be affected.


Early detection is key to increasing the chances of successful treatment. Regular self-examinations and awareness of any unusual changes in your body can make a significant difference.

Here are 10 common breast cancer signs that you should never ignore.


The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or thickening in the breast tissue or under the armpit.

Not all lumps are cancerous, but it's essential to get them checked by a healthcare provider. Cancerous lumps are often hard and painless, although some can be tender.

Early detection of any abnormal lump can prevent the cancer from spreading further.


Breast cancer can cause visible changes in the size, shape, or contour of your breast. If you notice one breast becoming larger than the other or an unusual change in shape, this could be a red flag.

Keep an eye out for any distortion or swelling, as these may indicate a developing tumour.

While nipple discharge can be caused by several benign conditions, any unexpected discharge, especially if it's clear, bloody, or milky without breastfeeding, should be evaluated.

It could signal an underlying issue, including breast cancer. This symptom is especially concerning when accompanied by other signs like a lump or change in breast texture.


Sudden nipple inversion, where the nipple pulls inward, could be a sign of a developing mass behind the nipple.

If your nipples have always been inverted, it may not be a concern. However, if you notice a recent change in their appearance, it's worth seeking medical advice.

Breast cancer can cause the skin on your breast to become red, scaly, or dimpled, resembling the texture of an orange peel. This condition is called "peau d'orange."


Skin irritation, itching, or an area that appears thicker than the surrounding tissue should also be investigated, as these could indicate inflammatory breast cancer, a rare but aggressive form of the disease.

Although breast cancer is often painless, some women may experience persistent pain or discomfort in the breast or nipple.

This pain is usually localized to one area and does not go away with the menstrual cycle. Breast pain that lasts for an extended period should not be ignored, especially if it’s accompanied by other changes.


Unexplained swelling in the breast, armpit, or collarbone area can be a sign of breast cancer. The swelling may be caused by a tumour obstructing the lymphatic system, which leads to a buildup of fluid.

This swelling can occur even without a distinct lump, so it’s important to be aware of any changes in this area.

If you notice any rough patches, thickening, or puckering of the breast skin, this could be a warning sign of breast cancer.


The texture may feel different compared to the rest of your skin. It’s crucial to monitor these changes, especially if they’re accompanied by other symptoms like lumps or redness.

While many women naturally have breasts that differ slightly in size, a sudden or noticeable increase in asymmetry could indicate a potential problem.

A growing tumour can cause one breast to enlarge, making it visibly different from the other. Any sudden changes in size should be reported to a doctor.


Although not specific to breast cancer, fatigue and unexplained weight loss can occur when cancer spreads to other parts of the body.

If you’re constantly feeling tired, even after rest, and experiencing sudden weight loss without changes to your diet or exercise routine, it’s important to speak with a healthcare provider.

Breast cancer can present itself in various ways, and early detection is vital. While these signs may not always indicate cancer, it's crucial to stay vigilant and proactive about your health.


If you notice any unusual changes in your breasts, don’t delay in seeking medical advice. Regular breast self-examinations and mammograms, as recommended by health professionals, are essential in catching breast cancer early when it's most treatable.

Remember, it's always better to be cautious. Consulting a healthcare professional when something doesn't seem right can potentially save your life. Stay informed and take charge of your breast health.


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