How to lose holiday weight gain

Here are five tips to help you lose weight

Here's how to burn the holiday fat [bbc]

The holidays are a good time to let loose and eat to your heart’s content. Personally, I am a big fan of enjoying yourself during the holidays, I can’t imagine people eating delicious and having a good time and you are just eating a salad, no!


But the holiday season has come to an end, which means you have to get back on track.

The number one step for the new year is to take a reverse turn on the unhealthy habits you formed over the holiday season.


If you were sitting in a place all day eating or jumping from one club or party to another during the holidays, then take a U-turn and get back to the gym or your exercise routine. Talk long walks, skip, dance, do yoga, and just exercise!

It could be intermittent fasting or watching what you eat but you need to curtail your eating habit as quickly as possible.


Take a break from drinking soda, and alcoholic beverages and drink detox juices and a lot of water. Water, especially because it makes you feel full.

Stock up on fruit, fibre and vegetables and stay away from carbohydrates or meals with high calories. If you must eat carbohydrates, use a small plate and practise portion control.


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