How Kenyan fooled the world that he was smoking teargas during protest

A Kenyan protestor in Nyeri managed to pull off a stunt that made it appear as though he was smoking tear gas

How protestor fooled the world that he was smoking teargas

At the height of the anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests in Kenya on June 25 , a video has surfaced that has captivated audiences globally.


The video shows a protester holding a teargas canister to his mouth, seemingly inhaling and then exhaling a cloud of smoke.

This startling footage has led to widespread reports and claims that the individual was "smoking teargas."

However, a closer examination reveals a different story.


Upon a thorough investigation by the news desk, it has come to light that the initial reports were misleading.

Another angle of the incident clearly shows an object resembling a cigarette protruding from the canister. The protestor can also be seen holding a lighter with his other hand.

This crucial detail was missed in the viral clip, which contributed to the erroneous narrative that the protestor was inhaling teargas .

The video in question quickly gained traction on social media platforms, with many viewers expressing shock and disbelief at the sight.


The notion of someone using teargas in such a manner was both alarming and intriguing, leading to a flurry of comments and shares.

However, the reality of the situation is less sensational. The protester was not inhaling teargas but rather using a cigarette to create the smoke effect.

Tear gas, commonly used for crowd control, contains chemical compounds such as CS (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) or CN (chloroacetophenone).

When these compounds are released into the air and inhaled, they cause a range of immediate and severe physiological reactions.


Respiratory Distress:

Inhaling tear gas leads to an intense burning sensation in the respiratory tract.

The mucous membranes in the nose, throat, and lungs react to the chemical, causing severe coughing and choking.

Victims experience difficulty breathing, a condition known as dyspnea.


Eye Irritation:

Tear gas causes an immediate burning sensation in the eyes.

It leads to excessive tearing, redness, and even temporary blindness.

Victims instinctively close their eyes and find it hard to keep them open.


Skin Irritation:

Contact with tear gas causes a burning sensation on the skin.

The exposed skin might turn red and develop rashes.

Excessive Salivation and Rhinorrhea:

The body responds to tear gas by producing excessive saliva and mucus.


This leads to drooling and a runny nose.

Nausea and Vomiting:

The intense irritation of the mucous membranes often triggers nausea and vomiting.


The protester in the viral video appears to be calmly inhaling and exhaling smoke, showing none of the severe reactions expected from tear gas exposure.

Here are specific reasons why this scenario is implausible:

Lack of Immediate Distress

The protester does not exhibit any signs of coughing, choking, or difficulty breathing.

Inhalation of tear gas typically causes an involuntary and violent coughing fit almost instantly.


Absence of Eye and Skin Reactions

The protester’s eyes are not watering, nor does he appear to be in discomfort, which would be immediate and intense if he were exposed to tear gas.

There are no signs of redness or irritation on the skin, which would occur if tear gas were involved.

Composure and Behavior


The protester’s composed demeanor and deliberate actions are inconsistent with the overwhelming discomfort caused by tear gas.

A person exposed to tear gas would likely be in visible distress, trying to escape the area, rather than calmly inhaling and exhaling smoke.

Duration of Exposure

Prolonged exposure to tear gas would exacerbate symptoms, making it increasingly difficult to breathe and function.

The video shows sustained inhalation, which is highly unlikely given the severe reactions that would occur almost immediately.


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