'I act as a fool to resonate with youths' - Pastor Bugingo

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo has emphasised the importance of connecting with the younger generation by meeting them at their level. Speaking at the Youth Empowerment Rally held in Masindi town on Friday, Pastor Bugingo revealed the great lengths that he and his church have taken to inspire young people to believe in both God and themselves.

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo

The event, organised by the Minister of State for Youths and Children Affairs, Balaam Barugahare, saw President Yoweri Museveni as the chief guest.


In a chat with the press at the sidelines, Pastor Bugingo spoke about the complexity of human nature, noting that people especially the youths are inherently difficult to manage.

"There is no easy person on earth. Even God who created us, people turned and became difficult to him and he had to sacrifice his son for them," Bugingo said.

However, his experience working closely with youths has taught him the value of adaptability. Pastor Bugingo, who employs many young people, explained that understanding and engaging with them often requires adopting an unconventional approach.


"I employ a lot of youths and I have learnt that working with the youths you must come down to their level, to understand them," he said.

In some instances, he admitted that it takes more than just patience and empathy – sometimes, it requires acting like a fool to resonate with the youth.

"At times it even takes acting like a fool to win their souls and their minds," he confessed.

Bugingo acknowledged the immense energy and potential that young people possess, emphasising that the key to unlocking their productivity lies in stimulating their minds.


"Youths are energetic and can work; all they need is to stimulate their minds to get results from them," he concluded.

Bugingo pointed out the critical role his church plays in empowering youths to take control of their own destinies rather than waiting for external help.

"Our church inspires the youths to believe in God and to also believe in themselves and to not wait for somebody to help them," he said.

He urged young people to embrace small beginnings, even if it means taking up menial tasks such as washing a neighbour's laundry or fetching water.

"We teach them to start small, even if it's helping wash your neighbour's laundry, fetch water or work as a porter," Pastor Bugingo added.


The pastor also expressed his satisfaction with the impact his teachings have had on many young people. "I am so glad that many of the youths who follow us have started something," he remarked, highlighting the positive changes among his followers.


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