In pictures: Peter Mayiga’s son Charles Bbale ties the knot

Charles Bbaale Mayiga, son of Charles Peter Mayiga the Prime Minister (Katikkiro) of Buganda finally tied the knot with his long-time lover Sonia Elizabeth Nnaabagereka.

Charles Bbaale Mayiga finally tied the knot with Sonia Nnaabagereka

The two exchanged marriage vows yesterday, Saturday, February 10th at St Mary’s Cathedral Rubaga, in Kampala.


The wedding was presided over by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Masaka, Serverus Jjumba.

The church was filled to the brim with scores of relatives, friends and Buganda Kingdom enthusiasts as the young lovers said 'I do' and started on the marriage journey.


The wedding ceremony was also graced by top officials from the kingdom of Buganda and the central government.

These included Buganda Queen Nnaabagereka Sylvia Nagginda, Nnaalinnya Dorothy Nassolo, Nnaalinnya Lubuga Agnes Nabaloga, as well as leaders from the ruling clan; Kingdom Minister and chiefs.

From the central government guests in attendance included the Speaker of Parliament Uganda Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among, Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny Dollo among others.


Charles Bbale Mayiga was introduced by Sonia to her parents on Saturday, December 16 last year in Migadde, Katikamu, Bulemeezi.


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